Month: December 2023

Ep.07 Broken and In Need Of Healing: Mentored Podcast

Ep.07 Broken and In Need Of Healing: Mentored Podcast

  • 🎙️🎉 Roll up, roll up! The Mentored Podcast is back with its 7th episode, and it’s one you won’t want to miss. Aptly named “Broken and in Need of Healing,” this episode dives headfirst into the deep end of leadership and authenticity – all with our signature blend of warmth, wit, and wisdom.

    Picture this: a leader who isn’t afraid to show their brokenness, who embraces their need for healing. Sounds refreshing. Well, buckle up because hosts Carson Pue and Martin Sanders are about to take you on a journey through the uncharted waters of vulnerable leadership, one anecdote at a time.

    We’re talking raw, real, and relatable content that hits home. And just like a hearty soup on a cold day, this episode will surely fill you with warmth and nourishment – for your mind, heart, and leadership journey.

    Now, let’s take a moment to say THANK YOU. Yes, you, our incredible listeners who have supported us on this podcasting adventure. You’ve laughed with us, learned with us, and let us into your headphones week after week. Your trust means the world to us, and we don’t take it for granted.

    We’d love to hear from you! Got a question? A comment? A revelation? Drop us a review right here on your podcast platform. We read every single one – yes, even the ones that suggest we add more cowbell to our opening music by Roy Salmond.

    So, are you ready to join us on this insightful, humorous, and dare we say, healing journey? Then grab your favourite mug, fill it with something warm, and tune in to Episode 7 of The Mentored Podcast.

    You can find us on all major podcast platforms. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. After all, we’re on this journey together, and we wouldn’t want to do it without you.

    So here’s to healing, authenticity, and an occasional laugh. We’ll see you in the episode! 🎧🌟

Ep. 06 Generosity: Mentored Podcast

Ep. 06 Generosity: Mentored Podcast

Dive into the latest episode of the Mentored Podcast featuring the dynamic duo Carson Pue and Martin Sanders!

In this episode, we’re diving deep into the heart of leadership – Generosity. Yes, that’s right! It’s not just about having resources; it’s about the joy and energy that comes from giving. Because true leadership isn’t about how much you have but how much you give!

Carson and Martin, two remarkable voices in the world of leadership and mentoring, will guide you through their own experiences and insights. With their wisdom, you’ll discover how generosity can propel you to new heights as a leader. Experience the power of being mentored by leaders who’ve walked the path and are eager to share their knowledge with YOU!

Tune in to the Mentored Podcast and learn how to become a generous leader who inspires and energizes those around them. Your journey toward enlightened leadership starts here!