About Us

About Us

Welcome to Mentored, where warmth, wisdom, and wit come together, bringing you valuable insights on leadership from these two professional mentors, Carson Pue and Martin Sanders. With years of experience in developing leaders, these two life friends are here to guide and inspire you on your own leadership mentoring journey.

Carson Pue, the founder of Carson Pue & Associates, is a renowned author, mentor and coach who has dedicated his life to helping leaders reach their full God-given potential. Known as a leader of leaders, his authentic heart and deep understanding of the challenges leaders face make him a trusted advisor for individuals and organizations worldwide.

Martin Sanders is an expert in leadership development, and his Global Leadership ministry has impacted leaders across various cultures and industries. With his cross-cultural knowledge and wealth of experience, Martin brings a unique perspective that transcends borders and equips leaders to thrive in today’s interconnected world.

In this podcast, Carson and Martin join forces to share their wisdom through engaging discussions and interviews. Through personal storytelling, they provide a positive outlook, reflect on their own experiences, and use heartfelt metaphors to connect with their audience. Their conversational style and lighthearted tone make learning about leadership mentoring enjoyable and relatable.

With a focus on leadership principles, personal growth, team dynamics, and organizational effectiveness, the Mentored Podcast offers a rich resource for leaders at all stages of their journey. Whether you’re a seasoned leader seeking fresh perspectives or an aspiring leader looking for guidance, this podcast is designed to empower you with actionable insights and practical advice.

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Don’t lead alone! Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Subscribe to our podcast and unlock your leadership potential with the guidance of Carson Pue and Martin Sanders.