Month: June 2024

EP. 17 Decision Making

EP. 17 Decision Making

In the latest episode of the Mentored Podcast, hosts Martin and Carson tackle one of the most essential skills in leadership: decision-making. They delve deep into what separates effective leaders from the rest when it comes to making crucial decisions.

Martin and Carson start by debunking the myth that there’s some “magic” formula to making good decisions. They emphasize that decision-making is a skill that can be developed with practice and awareness.

A significant part of the discussion focuses on the common pitfalls leaders face, such as procrastination. Some leaders put off making decisions, which can stall progress and hinder team morale. The hosts discuss why this happens and how to overcome it.

Perspective is crucial in decision-making, and Martin and Carson explain why leaders often struggle to make sound decisions when they’re too close to the situation. They offer practical advice on gaining the necessary perspective to make better choices.

The dangers of impulsive decision-making are also highlighted. In today’s fast-paced world, many leaders make decisions on the fly, leading to inconsistency and confusion. Martin and Carson provide strategies to balance quick decision-making with thoughtful deliberation.

The conversation then shifts to the temptation leaders face to make decisions based on short-term benefits. Martin and Carson explore what drives this behaviour and the challenges leaders face in anticipating long-term consequences. They discuss how having a mentor can be invaluable in helping leaders make decisions that are beneficial in the long run.

Carson, often described as having an uncanny ability to “see around the corner,” shares his insights on how leaders can better anticipate future challenges and opportunities. At the ten-minute mark of the podcast, he shares six mentoring tips he gives to leaders on how to make better decisions.

Martin shares insights on various cultural-based decision-making as well as psychographics.

Tune in to this episode of the Mentored Podcast for a masterclass in leadership decision-making. Gain practical tips and strategies to become a more decisive and forward-thinking leader.

Ep. 16 Authentic Humility

Ep. 16 Authentic Humility

Podcast Recap – “Authentic Humility in Leaders”

This episode features Dr. Carson Pue and Dr. Martin Sanders, two globally renowned leaders known for their significant influence in mentoring. Although Martin Sanders passed away in January 2014, his timeless wisdom on leadership and humility remains impactful.

Topics Covered

  1. The Unique Insight of Millennials and Gen Z Leaders:

  • Dr. Carson Pue discusses how younger leaders have a unique ability to detect inauthenticity. This generation values genuine leadership and can easily identify leaders who are not true to themselves or their followers.
  1. The Impact of Humble Leadership:

  • They explore the profound impact a humble leader can have within an organization. True humility fosters trust, encourages collaboration, and builds a strong, cohesive team.
  1. Different Kinds of Humility:

  • Drs. Carson and Martin explain the various forms of humility. Understanding these differences is crucial for leaders who wish to lead authentically and effectively.
  1. Authenticity vs. False Humility:

  • The episode dives into why some leaders may act humble but are not genuinely so. They also discuss how some leaders struggle with recognizing and owning their giftedness, leading them to fake humility.

Key Takeaways

  • Authenticity is essential for leaders, especially in the eyes of younger generations.
  • True humility has a powerful impact on leadership effectiveness and organizational culture.
  • Understanding different kinds of humility can help leaders reflect on and improve their approach.


Reflect on your leadership approach and the true nature of humility. How authentic are you in your leadership role? Are you embodying genuine humility?

Come listen in.  Engage with the Episode

Grab a coffee, go for a run with your earphones on, enjoy a drive in your car, and dive into this episode filled with profound insights and lasting wisdom on humility in leadership. Join Carson and Martin as they unravel the essence of authentic leadership and mentorship. Reflect on your own leadership journey and the call to embody genuine humility. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from these two well-known global leaders.

Final Note

This episode is a treasure trove of leadership insights and wisdom. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just starting out on your leadership journey, the teachings of Carson Pue and Martin Sanders will inspire you to lead with authenticity and humility.